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Kowsar Mega-Module Direct Redution Plant - Abtin Steel Technology Co.
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Kowsar Mega-Module Direct Redution Plant

Kowsar direct reduction unit with a production capacity of 2,000,000 tons of sponge iron per year by MIDREX technology was commissioned as the second module of Golgohar Iron and Steel Development Company in 2018. Abtin Steel Technologists Company has participated in the commissioning of the plant. The following is an excerpt from the company’s activities:

  • Providing experienced and specialized expert team in hot commissioning of Kowsar Sirjan mega-module in the amount of approximately 24,000 man hours
  • Kowsar Sirjan direct reduction unit personnel training
  • Location: Sirjan - Kerman province
  • Employer: GISDCO
  • Status: Completed
  • contract type : -

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